阿卡汗建筑奖·大栅栏微杂院&社区交流会 Celebrating Micro Yuan’er and Its Community
2018-11 09






作为2016阿卡汗建筑奖活动的一部分,阿卡汗建筑奖组委会将于北京为2016年中国唯一获奖项目“微杂院儿童图书馆及艺术中心”组织并举办“微杂院及社区交流会”。届时,除了微杂院的本地邻居与项目合作方之外,获奖建筑师张轲与阿卡汗建筑奖奖项总监 Farrokh Derakhshani 都将出席活动。

时间:11月11日 (周日) 14:00-16:30 签到14:00


Aga Khan Award for Architecture

Celebrating Micro Yuan’er and Its Community
As part of the 2016 Aga Khan Award for Architecture, a series of events will be organized in Beijing to celebrate the winning Chinese project Micro Yuan’er Children’s Library and Art Centre and its community. Together with local neighbors and friends, Zhang Ke, architect of Micro Yuan’er, and Farrokh Derakhshani, director of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, will also join the events.

Time: 11.11 14:00-16:30

Venue: L4, Quan Ye Chang Culture & Arts Center, No.17, Langfang Toutiao, Xicheng District


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About the Aga Khan Award for Architecture

The Aga Khan Award for Architecture was established by His Highness the Aga Khan in 1977 to identify and encourage building concepts that successfully addressed the needs and aspirations of communities in which Muslims have a significant presence. Prizes have been given to projects across the world, from France to China. Architects and planners from New York to Dhaka have received one of 116 awards. During the nomination process, more than 9,000 building projects were documented. Over the course of the last 39 years, most of the great architects of our time have either won the Award or served on its Master Jury or Steering Committee, from Zaha Hadid to Norman Foster, Charles Correa to Frank Gehry, Jean Nouvel to Hassan Fathy.

The Aga Khan Award for Architecture selects projects – from slum upgrading to high rise “green” buildings – that not only exhibit architectural excellence but also improve the overall quality of life. Because these achievements typically involved successful collaboration between many people, the Award recognises mayors, builders, clients, master craftsmen, engineers and end-users – as well as architects.

微杂院 Micro Yuan’er 

Images from ZAO/standardarchitecture标准营造





Micro Yuan’er Introduction

Cha’er hutong is a quiet spot among the busy Dashilar area, situated one kilometer from the Forbidden City in the city centre of Beijing. The #8 Cha’er Hutong courtyard is a typical “Da-Za-Yuan”—big messy courtyard—once occupied by over a dozen families. Over the past fifty years, each family built a small add-on kitchen in the courtyard. These add-on structures are usually considered as urban scrap and all of them have been wiped out with the renovation practices during the past years.

Different from the conventional redevelopment strategies, by redesigning, renovating and reusing the add-on structures in the hutong courtyards, the project allows Beijing citizens and the government to see new and sustainable possibilities for how to put our messy additions to good use. Maybe they can be recognized as cultural relics and critical layers of recent Beijing’s hutong life rather than things that should be erased entirely.

微杂院 Micro Yuan’er

Images from ZAO/standardarchitecture标准营造







Jury Citation

“Urbanisation in China has a complex relation with the past. How do you move forward while recognising the values of the built heritage? The response to this question has often led to a stark contrast between the old and the new, with the latter being seen as the sole marker of progress. Yet others have sought alternative strategies for urbanisation. Increasingly there is a call for a more nuanced consideration of the old and the existing, as potentially indispensable parts of urban developments.”

“The Micro Yuan’er Children’s Library and Art Centre is an exemplary representative of the modification and adaptive re-use of a historic building. In Beijing, as in other places, a growing number of hutongs are being restored. But this hutong is not a typical restoration project. By providing new structures and new public uses in the middle of the building’s courtyard, it entwines the private lives of the older inhabitants with the public use of a new children’s library and art centre.”

“The architectural strategy of this modest but highly articulate intervention is to use the existing buildings and landscape as the armature for the new construction. The use of a limited palette of materials, such as brick, wood and glass, helps the space of the courtyard to become denser through the addition of the new structures.”

“The hutong provides an example of how the adaptive re-use of an older building can become the basis for a new form of micro-urbanism that constructs productive reciprocities between the private and the public. This is an approach that can be potentially replicated in other locations and within a diversity of communities.”

Architect: ZAO/standardarchitecture / Zhang Ke






Zhang Ke

Zhang Ke founded his studio ZAO/standardarchitecture “标准营造” in 2001. With a wide range of realized works over the past 15 years, the studio has emerged as one of the most critical protagonists among the new generation of Chinese architects. Recent works by the studio include the Novartis Campus Building in Shanghai, a number of old Hutong transformation projects in the historic center of Beijing, and various buildings sensitively imbedded in the landscape of Tibet.

Zhang Ke is the recipient of the prestigious Alvar Aalto Medal in 2017, and the Aga Khan Award for Architecture in 2016. Many other honors have been awarded to Zhang Ke and his studio, including International Award Architecture in Stone, Verona, Italy 2011; the Design Vanguard by Architecture Record, 2010; China Architecture Media Award (CAMA), Best Young Architect Prize, 2008; and the WA Chinese Architecture Award, Winning Prize, 2010 and 2006.

Zhang Ke received his Master of Architecture from the Harvard Graduate School of Design in 1998 and his Master and Bachelor of Architecture from Tsinghua University in Beijing. Zhang Ke has been       teaching Option Studios at Harvard GSD since 2016.








Welcome Address



Introduction of Guests


奖项总监Farrokh Derakhshani 


Introduction of Aga Khan Award History



Short Movies of the Aga Khan Award



Short Movie of the Award Ceremony of the Winners of the 2016 Cycle



Presenting the Award Certificates and Thank Letters



Hand out of the Support money to the residents and local people involved



Brief introduction of Micro Yuan’er


奖项总监Farrokh Derakhshani 


Conclusion Speech


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